Our Groovy Experience

Thank you for giving us the privilege of taking care of your child’s groovy molars, and starting him or her off to years of excellent dental care and a lifetime of smiles!

Value/ Mission Statement:

    1) To provide children with exceptional pediatric dentistry in a fun, safe, and comfortable environment while creating a trusting relationship with parents.

    2) To provide parents with the peace of mind their child’s dental needs are cared for and equip them with knowledge and information they need to create excellent oral health as well as proper growth and development.

    Your Child’s Groovy Experience

    Groovy Baby Experience

    Groovy Tot Experience

    Groovy Kid Experience

    Groovy Teen Experience

    Groovy Special Needs Experien 

                                                   Groovy Parents Experience


    Groovy Baby Experience  


    Specially designed for kids up to one year of age (0-12 mos)

    Complimentary dental exam for babies under the age of one

    Review of child’s medical history with any applicable relation to the mouth

    Includes a full examination of baby’s mouth (tongue, throat, gums, teeth, complete cavity check)

    Discussion of how to avoid baby bottle decay

    Discussion of effective oral hygiene care with age-appropriate swipes, tooth tissues, gauze, or brush

    Education about toothpaste, xylitol

    Tips to help parents and babies get through teething  (note: at this time, it is discouraged through an FDA warning to use Hylands Teething Tabs due to “inconsistent amounts of the ingredient, belladonna”)

    Tips on weaning baby off of the pacifier, baby bottle, and similar habits.


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    Groovy Tots Experience

    Specially designed for kids between 1 and 3 years old

    Review of child’s medical history with any applicable relation to the mouth, teeth

    Includes a full examination of child’s mouth (tongue, throat, gums, teeth, complete cavity check)

    Toddler prophy polish with brush, fluoride application

    Oral hygiene instruction- brushing (2x day), flossing when indicated

    Toothpaste discussion, when to transition to fluoridated toothpaste or alternative


    Foods to minimize (including juice, candy, snacks, sports drinks, soda) and frequency

    Discussion of oral habits like thumb-sucking, pacifiers

    Trauma discussion when applicable

    Tips on flossing and brushing twice daily

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    Groovy Kids Experience

    Specially designed for children between 3 and 12 years old

    Review of child’s medical history with any applicable relation to the mouth, teeth

    Kids dental prophylaxis, fluoride application, digital radiographs, panoramic radiograph at 6 years, then once every 3 years.

    Oral hygiene instruction- brushing (2x day), flossing

    Toothbrush and Toothpaste

    Foods to minimize and frequency (snacks and beverages including juice, sports drinks, soda, sweet tea, vitamin water)

    Growth and development/ Orthodontic evaluation

    Monitoring tooth loss, eruption sequence

    Application of relevant sealants

    Discussion of specific restorative or treatment benefits

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    Groovy Teens Experience

    Specially designed for teens between 13 and 19 years old

    Review of child’s medical history with any applicable relation to the mouth and teeth.

    Includes a full examination of the mouth (tongue, throat, gums, teeth, complete cavity check)

    Dental prophylaxis, fluoride application, radiographs, panoramic x-ray when indicated

    Oral hygiene instruction- brushing (2x day), flossing

    Toothbrush and Fluoridated Toothpaste

    Foods to minimize (snacks and beverages including juice, sports drinks, soda, sweet tea, vitamin water)

    Orthodontic evaluation

    Application of relevant sealants

    Discussion of specific restorative or treatment benefits

    Safe teeth whitening

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    Groovy Special Needs Experience

    Specially designed for any child with special needs.

    As a parent of a child with special needs, Dr. Singleton recognizes the individualized approach toward each child who may require special attention and care.

    We do not characterize your child based upon a medical/ developmental situation, we simply provide the exact same care just in a modified way that best suits yourchild’s needs.


    Dr. Singleton is very experienced (limited to pediatric care since ’02) and a board-certified pediatric dentist- he thoroughly enjoys working with all children.



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    Enjoy some down time while we enjoy building rapport and a trusting relationship with your child! Our office is a hot spot, offering you free wifi. Catch up on your email or enjoy many of our great reading materials.

    One of our goals is to build a long-lasting relationship based on trust with your child.

    Often this is best achieved in the same manner as a teacher, tutor, or coach, by providing a one on one experience.

    But you’re curious… what goes on back there?  For the initial visit, we welcome the opportunity to have you present throughout your child’s appointment. You play an integral role in your child’s oral health, therefore, at subsequent appointments our staff will invite you back to the exam area to discuss any relevant information regarding your child toward the end of his/her appointment.

    In preparation for your child’s visit to the Groovy Molar, it is best to talk positively regarding his/her appointment.

    We are strong believers in the concept that there is no better dental care for children than from certified pediatric dentists. Interestingly, while many dentists say they treat kids, most do not receive formal training to treat children. Even fewer are certified pediatric dentists. Certified pediatric dentists are intensively trained for years to provide comprehensive, preventative, and restorative dental care specially designed for infants, toddlers, teenagers, and special needs.

    Parents tell us that our exceptionally service-oriented approach, combined with our specialized clinical training, makes a big difference — it often allows for the kids to feel safer and more at ease, which often makes the experience and treatment more successful.

    We would love to meet you and your children and look forward to welcoming you to our practice!


    Brad Singleton, DDS and Team Groovy Molar

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